Intense Pulsed Light Therapy (IPL) referred to as IPL or laser, intense pulsed light photo-rejuvenation is an extremely effective treatment that uses multiple wavelengths of light to soften fine to moderate lines and wrinkles, tighten pores, remove unwanted facial hair, diminish dark spots and rosacea. Work with our Registered Nurse who specializes in these customizable treatments to discuss your skincare goals. In order to get the results you desire six treatments may be required.
How long will this amazing treatment take?
30 minutes
Any after care advice?
Recovery is relatively fast. Your skin will be sensitive and red for a few hours.
Immediate Post Care Instructions
1. Apply cool compresses as needed.
2. Wash with a gentle cleanser.
3. Use tepid, not hot water.
4. Apply a moisturizer or aloe based cream if desired.
5. Use SPF 35.
6. Avoid direct sunbathing and wear a hat.
7. Hydrate from the inside out, drink plenty of water.
8. Call the office immediately with any concerns (blistering, excessive crusting, skin breakdown, etc.). For the first 24 hours following treatment, patients avoid washing the treated area with hot water, cleansing the skin gently with lukewarm, tepid water. Clients should hydrate the skin with a suitable moisturizer the night of the treatment. Total Sunblock is available if the patient expresses an interest in our encouragement to minimize UV-A, B, C, and near Infrared wavelengths of light. Patients can return to their Skin Rejuvenation skin care regimen after 48-72 hours.
Treatment Fee
$450 - $550